Artistic Strength program – want to sell your art?

 Got Art?  Want to showcase or sell your art?  Check out our new program, Artistic Strength. This blog post is written by a new team member, Taylor, who will be running our new Artistic Strength program this year.

Hello all!  I hope you all are remaining safe and healthy as we work through quarantine.  We are creating a new program, Artistic Strength, to allow artists to showcase and/or sell their art.  The initial plan was to showcase the art in the waiting room, but that is not a great plan, currently.  As such, the artwork will be posted to

The artwork that will be showcased on the websites includes but is not limited to:

  • Paintings

  • Drawings

  • Sketches, etc.


The process for showcasing the artwork:

  • Send an email to, which should include the following:

    • Name of the artist.

      • For minors, initials only please.

    • The title of the piece.

    • A clear image of your artwork.

    • Additional information the artist would like to be in the description of their work.

  • The artist will also receive a contract for them to sign that finalizes the agreement for their art to be posted on the websites.

    • Here the artists will notify us of their decision to either display or sell their work.

    • Make sure to list the price of the artwork on the contract as well.

  • The artist may choose to have their work up for display only and their work will remain on the websites for a full month period.

  • If the artwork is sold, all of the profits go to the artist.

    • Dates and times will be arranged for the payments and artwork to be exchanged.

      • Preferred location is Dr. Bedard’s Office: 1302 South Shields, A 2-1 Fort Collins, CO 80521.

    • Please be sure to bring payment in the forms of cash or check only.

  • If the work is not sold, the artist can choose to donate their work to the Social Learning Project for a silent auction later in the year.


Please feel free to reach out to us with any comments, questions, or concerns.




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