Summer 2017 Groups

Middle and High School groups

  • Understanding social media
  • Knowing when and how to join a conversation
  • Coping with problems
  • Strategies to cope with social anxiety
  • Organization and planning

We are meeting in June and July on Wednesdays.  You are welcome to sign up for the 4 Wednesday in June, or July, or both!  $160/month

  • Middle school group meets WED 4-5pm  **We are actively seeking 3-5 more middle school students to join us!  Sign up and bring a friend!!**
  • High School group meets WED 5-6


Young Adult group

  • Effective time management
  • Prioritizing, planning, organizing tasks
  • How to make large tasks more manageable
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • Setting realistic goals and reaching them
  • Reducing the awful feeling of being overwhelmed


We are meeting in June and July on Wednesdays.  You are welcome to sign up for the 4 Wednesday in June, or July, or both!  $160/month

  • Young Adult group meets Wed 6-7


Call Dr. Bédard at 970-391-9628 or email at for more information or to sign up!


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