Sex Ed and Consent
For many years we skipped the sex ed conversation with autistic individuals because, duh, they weren’t going to be having sex. At best, we tried to bubble wrap autistic individuals so that they would not become victims. We failed, and how.
As the conversation shifts to teaching sex ed and consent to autistic teens and young adults, many parents remain terrified or at a loss. What to say? How to say it? How to keep the teens safe while also imparting valuable information that conveys sex as a healthy, safe endeavor.
Hey parents, we got you! Check this out: Sex Ed and Consent presented by IRL Social Skills. This two hour program will be presented on Saturday March 4th for…wait for it…$10. Best $10 you will ever spend: information, peace of mind, confidence in talking with your teen/young adult about sex and consent. Maybe you even want to invite your family member to join you for the event.