Back to school – already?!

School starts soon!  (Stage left: Parents cheer and students sigh at the phrase when they hear “back to school.”)  Time to prep mentally and goal-wise. Here are some tips to get you ready:

  • No matter the grade level, take a moment to reflect.
    • What went well during the past year? What went well during the summer?  How can we take those strengths and move forward?
      • Maybe the school year was perfect because of all the structure and the mental stimulation. Or maybe summer was perfect because of the relaxed schedule and no homework.  Sort through your favorite highlights and let’s see how we can bring those into the fresh school year.
    • What could use an upgrade from last year? Or what wasn’t awesome about summer?
      • Maybe there was too much writing last year, or not enough independence. Maybe summer lacked social opportunities or was an endless YouTube session. People grow and change.  What can we revise from the “naughty” list to be better for the upcoming school year?
    • Again, reflect.
      • What additional skills can be learned and then implemented this year? Will the changes take place on the part of the student or the adults (ahem, yes parents and teachers can make changes, too!).
        • Is this the year that the planner gets USED? Or maybe you switch to a digital calendar?
        • Is this the year that the student wakes up independently, makes breakfast and packs a lunch? Is this the year that the student takes meds independently, schedules medical appointments without prompting, and does laundry?
        • Is this the year that the parents/adults stop “over-helping” and allows the student to struggle a bit and then flourish?
      • Schedule a time to check in.
        • Once you have sufficiently reflected, take out your planner and schedule a time at the end of the first week of classes, the end of the first month, and mid-semester to check in. Are you reaching your goals? Working toward them?  Can you get some baby steps in place to help you toward these goals?  What modifications might you put in place at your check-ins?


A fresh school year is so exciting!  New pencils, sharp minds, and lots of motivation and inspiration.  Let’s see how we can make these exciting moments last and be productive!

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