Thinking about college?
Considering college, but not quite sure where to go, or what you might need once you get there? Do not despair! There are quite a few resources that are available to help you on the journey to choosing a college.
As already highlighted, there is the brand new book from OAR about transitioning to college. You might want to start reading that book long before you head to college, so you can get your academic and life skills college-ready.
Similarly, our book was just released! You’ve Got This! was written by folks on the spectrum, their parents, and highly invested professionals who want you to find success in college. Read their stories, find yourself in their successes, and dream big. Start reading this book in middle school as a guide to prep you for college, and then keep reading it in college when you are making your course selections.
Once you are ready to actually choose a college, consider looking at a list like this. This Top 50 list, and others, can give you some guidance about where you might want to go, and also what a robust program for students with disabilities might look like. Knowing all of what is out there will help you ask questions when you tour colleges and ask about supports. Rather than asking, “What do you have for students with a disability?” you could ask a more specific question, such as, “Where are the testing facilities for students who need to take tests in a quiet location? What note takers? What about a single room in a dorm?”
Finally, consider scholarships. There are many scholarships that are earmarked for students with disabilities, including scholarships through OAR, through medication companies, and others. No joke. Google “ADHD college scholarships” and see what happens. Now try “Autism college scholarships.” Cool, right?!
College: overwhelming series of choices, or opportunities to spread your wings, meet new people, and pursue passions. I know how I would think of it!