Looking for a therapist? Check this out!
In talking with my therapist friends, it is clear that our practices are all full, full, full. Rather than having potential clients calling 10 therapists and wait for return calls, I offer the following resources:
If you live in Larimer County:
- If you are an adult, on your own, not a dependent, please call Connections Mental Health. Connections is funded by the Health District, and is a pathway to referrals, finding therapists who are actually taking patients, etc. The direct line is 970-221-5551.
- If you are seeking services for a child, or a college student (you know, and adult…but you are still the parent making that phone call), please call CAYAC. I do suspect that CAYAC has magic wands. Similar to the adult program, they help you find the right therapist in the community. CAYAC can be reached at 970-221-3308.
- If you are seeking Medicaid services, please call Connections or CAYAC. If you qualify for Medicaid benefits, congrats! Good job qualifying!! Also, you are in good company: I hear that 1 in 4 Coloradoans have Medicaid. And…that 1 in 4 number is creating a bottleneck for accessing services in a timely manner. I’m so sorry. I hear your pain. Call Connections or CAYAC.
- Please be advised, if you qualify for Medicaid, you MUST work with a Medicaid provider. IF you are so bold as to pay for your services out of pocket, you can lose your benefits, and you and your provider can be fined. I beg of you: follow the rules.
If you live in Colorado and are NOT in Larimer County and you have Autism…
- Check out the Autism Society of Colorado! They have tons of connections and can likely point you in the right direction.
In general, if you are neurodivergent, or love someone neurodivergent…
- Check out the Autism Resource Fair. Starting April 25th, this link will be LIVE and FREE for a year. You will be able to find TONS of resources for you and your loved ones. As we all wait for April 25th…see more info here.