Thanks for the links!
Multiple people have sent me to the following links with the hope that I will share them. Let the sharing begin!
On the Spectrum, on the Screen by 1a – NPR.
- Eric Deggans, Joanne Lara, Kristen Lutynski, and Dana Visalli-Gold discuss the representation of folks on the spectrum as depicted in current media. Clips from Atypical and The Good Doctor are presented.
Dr. Temple Grandin on #JobCreatorsRadio
- Live interview on Sept 1th at 11 am EST
- Hosted by Shawn Smith
- Don’t dis-my-ability
Autism Quality of Life interviewed Kirt Manecke
- Kirt is the author of Smile and Succeed for Teens
- See also Attainment Company
Lastly, bling it up!